Seldom were there two forms of music that had opposite vibes in the early 2k music scenes than Trance and Drum and Bass, but somehow they joined forces to create a new sound that changed both forever. Trance and Bass had the thick synthy vibes with the heavy bass in a broken beat pattern. It was everything great about both genres all rolled up in one tight package. Here are my 6 favorites from this obscure subgenre. Feel free to comment below or where ever you found this article with your favorite that was missed.
John B was the real face of the subgenre so I am going to start with his absolute classic "Falling'
and this epic remix of "Virtual Realmz".
There have also been quite a few remixes of Trance master Tiësto. starting with "Flight 643" This gem blew me away on Diesleboy's "Dungeonmaster's Guide" mix.
Chris.Su has so many tunes that are more of a journey but this one always had a special place in the set. Cinematic vocals with a rolling bass lines. All held together with a warm synth line and arp.
The last entry was a bootleg white label I played for years before realizing it was a remix of the BT banger "Communicate" by Subsonik
Music genres should drift and shift. I love the meeting of things that should not work together but take the best of both things to improve them both.
Pac D
