It's a new year and a new Drum and Bass Proper site is up and ready for you to enjoy!
DnBP is going to be 9 years old in 2024. When CCP started this back in 2015 he had a vision and he has grown that vision into over 260 mixes from our now 12 DJs and 3 MCs crew of DJs, producers, promoters, and all-around DnB lifers! I am proud to have been a part of this since the start with #MiniMixMondays and those 20-minute mixes!

What's new with the site?
Well, we now have a DnBP Printify Merch store where you can get T-shirts, Hoodies, mugs, and more!
We are going to use this blog feature to bring you tune reviews, news, and ALL tings Drum and Bass from your favorite DnBP residents!
We have an Events page that you can visit to see where a Drum and Bass Proper Resident DJ is playing near you!
Each resident DJ now has a page where you can find their latest DnBP mix, downloadable EPK, and the flyer for their latest show!

Happy New Year and you can catch many Drum and Bass Proper DJs at Day 1 in Denver @ Bar Standard (7am to 12am)!!
We plan to do a large push in 2024 for US DnB! Our DJs are ready to come to your city and show you what they can do live and direct! Our #FeaturedFriday is going to reach every corner of the globe to bring you these sounds we all love that we call Drum and Bass! Come along for the ride with us and keep visiting us here at for #ProperMondays and #FeaturedFridays and new articles from our DnBP residents throughout the week!!
Happy New Year and BIG TINGS to come in 2024!
El Conquistador the DJ

Thank you for everything you are doing for us and helping this dream become more of a reality each day sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!