#TallyGTuesdays #drumandbassproper #drumandbass #dnb #drumnbass #usdnb #musicproduction #personalblog #abletonlive
I'm fairly new to music production, though I've developed a keen ear over my 22 years as a DJ and my 40 years as a music afficionado. I know what sounds good and I know what I like. Learning to create the sounds and vibes one likes is definitely another story.

I threw together my first track, "Feeling Ravey" almost two years ago. I did not put much thought into it, and I'm okay with that; it was just a self-exercise in the bare bones of music production. I really like the track, but I know its limitations. I learned the hard way that you want a track to be easy to mix with other tracks, especially if you want others to play your music.
I started my second track, "Naughty Orcas" on Thanksgiving of 2023. I used multiple reference tracks to compare it to at the behest of my mentor. I've learned that it is great practice and extremely helpful to utilize reference tracks. I worked on it about once or twice a month until I felt it was ready, which happened to be today. Of course I am already sick to death of this song, but I can say I am proud of it and of how far I've come in just a year. I now know what it feels like to create a song that I actually love.

I was overwhelmed with a lot of things during 2024 and couldn't find more time to produce, so next year I'm changing that. I'll be staying away from doing most DJ mixes so that I can focus on building my sound and my knowledge base. Learning music production has been similiar to learning another language. There is a lot of new terminology, but there is also the learning of new software along with plug-ins. Once a certain level of education is achieved, it's more rewarding as well as becoming more fun.
"Naughty Orcas" will be out soonish on Intimate Venues Recordings. I'll probably do a writeup so I'll keep everyone posted.
Have a great day! See you back in a couple of weeks with the next installment of drum and bass sample history.
Tally G
